This weekend J’s family threw me the sweetest, most lovely, and incredibly thoughtful bridal shower. I was truly blown away when I walked in! The ladies hosted the shower on the outdoor patio of Sofi Greek, an adorable restaurant in West Hollywood. The food was amazing (and I like to think I have pretty high standards when it comes to my Greek food) and plentiful. I’m fairly certain we tried 9/10th of their menu. Every last detail of the decor was simply perfect. I felt completely showered and overwhelmed with love! We played two fun games and then J joined us as we opened gifts. Ever the groomzilla, he kept asking about gifts just for him, so my mom had him open hers. It ended up being an adorable blush pajama set, borderline lingerie. Ha! It was a beautiful afternoon with family and friends.
Even after researching dresses for weeks leading up to the shower and making a video on it, I still managed to find myself without an outfit at 8pm the night before. I speed shopped (if it were a sport, I’d be an Olympian) my way through Century City Mall and landed the perfect bridal shower dress and these super fun floral heels. I decided on a pop of pink for my lip and nail color to complement to heels. I think it turned out super cute, suiting the pink theme and outdoor setting well. I linked the exact dress I wore down below, as well as some other really cute options. Most are under $100!
I’m looking forward to my NorCal bridal shower with family, friends, and my bridal party in a couple weeks. There are so many exciting this coming between now and May 26, my heart just might burst!
MOB & MIL ❤️
My gorgeous bosses, stunning inside and out! Isn’t Harper her mommy’s mini me?