Sharing everything I packed in my labor and delivery hospital bag for mom, baby and recovery! I’m planning/hoping for another vaginal birth, but with a much shorter hospital stay this time. 🙂
Name sign: Not a must-have but something I looked forward to doing that I wasn’t able to do until my first son was out of the hospital.
Stretchy swaddle: We have a few of these Copper and Pearl swaddles and love that they’re SO soft and stretchy.
Going home outfit: I had a few going home outfit options in varying sizes because you never know exactly what will fit your new babe until you meet them!
Nursing pillow: I stored this alongside my hospital bag, but I preferred to have my own nursing pillow from home for extra support during those early breastfeeding days. I’ve always loved the Boppy, but there are tons of other options out there now too.
Nursing bra: Comfortable and convenient from labor to deliver to first latch. 🙂
Pajama set: I always deliver in the hospital gown and then after my first shower want to change into something cozy of my own.
Lounge set/going home outfit: A second outfit to go home in that’s equally comfy, but not quite pajamas.
Lip balm: Hospital air is so dry! Your lips with thank you.
Extra long charger: Of course!
Silk scrunchies: I can’t stand having my hair on my neck when laboring, so I always pack a few and love that these are gentle enough not to leave a kink if I want to take my hair down for a quick photo. 😉
Fuzzy socks: The socks the hospital gives you are truly atrocious. I’m sorry but they are lol. I immediately swap them for my own once we get to recovery!
Overnighter bag: A hospital bag with enough room for both mom and baby to pack together.
Frida mom peri bottle: I’m trying this one for the first time, but love the idea of being able to use it upside down!
Frida 2 in 1 cooling pads: These look genius. Using the restroom is a PROCESS those early days, so anything that’s 2 steps in 1 and provides relief is brilliant.
Earth mama perineal spray: I used this in combination with Dermaplast (which the hospital provided) last time and it was a welcome relief, so I made sure to pack a fresh bottle this time around.
Frida disposable briefs: This may be an unpopular opinion, but I hated the underwear the hospital gave. It was too stretchy and hanging off me. I wanted a little extra support to hold all my extra undergarments while healing so I’m hopeful these are a little better quality.