Valentine’s Day heart shaped bowl | heart garland *small shop* | xoxo garland | the only acceptable candy hearts | heart pillow | heart gift bags | bath bomb *small shop* | slippers | xoxo zip toddler jammies | xoxo matching toddler jammies | mama toddler tee | little girls heart sunglasses | heart booties | womens heart pj set | heart sweater | red nail polish | xoxo womens sweater *small shop* | pink tumbler | heart initial necklace *small shop*
Valentine’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays to celebrate (right after Christmas and family birthdays!) because I have so many special memories celebrating it growing up. It was a “girls holiday” and every year my mom would surprise my sister and I with a fully decorated table with cute candies and gifts. I’ve kept the tradition going with Leyton and of course, with it also being CHD Month, anything heart related takes on a whole new meaning for us. 🙂
I rounded up a few things I have my eye on to make this year’s Valentine’s Day celebration festive and fun!